For more than 20 years, Oe-Galaxy Co., Ltd. has been a national leader in supplying, designing and manufacturing hands-on training technology and products for education and industry. Our products are supplied to various customers in the fields of Electricity and Electronics, Embedded, IC Design, Automotive, Machine Tools, Automations, Mechatronics, Robotics, Physical-Chemistry-Biological-Medical Equipment and Instrumentations. Our micro-electronic training center is a preferred provider of efficient power solutions to customers in the MCU, FPGA and IC Design. Company headquarters are located in Hanoi, Vietnam. Oe-Galaxy operates a network of facilities, sales offices and support centers in key markets throughout North, Central and the South regions.


We have been doing business in the fields of Electronic and Embedded, Education and Training Equipment, Automotive and Machine Tools, Automation and Mechatronic, Physical-Chemistry-Biological-Medical Equipment, and Training Services. By high-level confident commitment, Oe-Galaxy is recognized as a Vietnam leader for high-quality, cost-effective products and services that are integrated with the latest technological advances. With our highly qualified staff teams, We're  confident in offering comprehensive and customized solutions, as well as extensive and outstanding hands-on management solutions.